Saturday, March 3, 2012

lowell church 個人見證 2


甜美的回憶 - 劉锦枢牧师, 劉师母
回家- 葛建平
紀念母親  - 葛建平

  2011 COCM Year End Gospel Camps
Alsa Shih

Happy New Year! First of all, we want to thank you, our friends and prayer partners for making this mission trip a very memorable and meaningful year of ministry. Most of us just returned home from UK and our hearts are filled with joy and excitement. It was great to see the continued growth of the believers there and the great opportunities to share the Gospel.
Because of your collective prayer support, the atmosphere was electric! Person after person shared their stories of how the main message (The most important decision 最重要的决定), and the testimonies touched their hearts. It became apparent to all that the God of Heaven, who sent His Son to save the people of the world, was active in the COCM Mission Centre!

Praise the Lord! Through the days of teaching and sharing, half of the seekers from both camps were willing to accept Jesus as their personal savior. Our Lord has once again let all of us witness His mighty power by making the impossible become possible! In the family camp there were a few parents that came to the UK for their children's graduation and accepted the Christ, this is something we did not expect at all. In the student camp, a few young students were openly confessed their sins and others thanked God for healing their wounds through His words. More exciting news is that, except working with the COCM missionaries, we were also co-working with many local residents and students who were seekers at the COCM Year End camps during the previous years and now have become the new Christians/helpers for these camps!

Jesus said: "The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few". Due to the huge demand and the limit of resource of pastors and church leaders among the Chinese churches in the UK, COCM has opened its own mission centre to host a series of training program --- B.E.S.T. - Biblical Enrichment Short Training which contains how to study bible, spiritual growth and how to serve and spread the gospel to help nourish and equip these new Christians.

We were so honored that He used all of us to glorify His name. What could be more precious that we could share the gospel and celebrate His birthday with COCM's missionaries and hundreds of our kinsmen during the year end of 2011! It is our desire that more churches in North America will learn about the needs in Europe and partner with COCM to win this lost continental for God's kingdom. Please continue to keep the below requests in your daily prayers.

* Ask the Lord to send more mid or long term missionaries to COCM
* Pray that the new Christians will continue grow in His words and become His salt and light
* Pray for the returnees that they will find a good church in China and continue to follow Christ
* May the Lord use many of the BBC Christians to reach the Europeans
* Pray that one day China will become a nation of Christ to bless other countries
Wishing you a healthy and joyous Chinese New Year with family and friends.

COCM 短宣有感 - 向可
榮耀的見證 - 黃杏志

教会宣教委员会最近通过了一个 去中国大陆的短宣计划。时间是20127/137/23。这个短宣队会带领一个有中小学生的暑期圣经学校,晚上和周末传福音给 学生们的父母。我们鼓励家庭,高中生和大学生和我们一起参与。我们会提供教材和培训。请为这次短宣祷告,报名截止时间为1/22/2012。联系人是谢颖 刚弟兄(

2012 China Short Term Mission
The church mission committee has approved a short term mission proposal to mainland China from 7/13 to 7/23 in 2012.  The STM team will be hosting a vacation bible school for elementary and middle school students and reach out to their parents during evening and weekend.  We encourage families and high school/college students to join us.  We'll provide curriculum and necessary training and support.   Please keep this in your prayers; the application deadline is 1/22/2012.  Please contact Brother Raymomd Xie at for more details.

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